The unofficial 2022 General Election results, released by the Knox County Courthouse on Tuesday evening, Nov. 8, for some of the races were as follows.
Niobrara School Board:Matt Moody, 249; Susan Bolling, 216; Kristine Flyinghawk, 174; Write-in, 7; Write-in 2
Isanti School Board:Steven J. Moose, 28; Anita LaPointe, 38; Write-in, 68; Write-in, 34; Write-in, 3
Niobrara Village Board: Alan R. Ruda, 119; Jody Stark, 109; Write-in, 3
Santee Village Board: Diane LaPointe, 37; Sherri Henry, 46; Write-in, 16; Write-in, 4
Verdel Village Board: Mary K. Eiler, 8; DeLynn Minarik, 10; Tina Motacek, 10; Write-in, 1; Write-in, 1; Write-in, 1
Congress Dist. 3: Rep Adrian Smith, 2993; Dem. David J. Else, 416; Lmn. Mark Elworth, Jr., 170; Write-in, 8.
Governor and Lt. Governor: Rep. Pillen/Kelly, 2922; Dem. Blood/Davis, 586; Lib. Zimmerman/Blumenthal, 140; Write-in, 73
Secretary of State: Rep. Bob Evnen, 3104; Write-in, 27
State Treasurer:Rep. John Murante, 2906; Lib, Katrina Tomsen, 487; Write-in, 6
Attorney General:Rep. Mike Hilgers, 3008; Lmn Larry Bollinger, 437; Write-in, 4
Auditor of Public Accounts:Rep. Mike Foley, 2933; Lib. Gene Sladek, 260; Lmn L. Leroy Lopez, 258; Write-in, 4
Public Service Commissioner Dist. 4, Rep. Eric Kalmer, 2,980; Write-in, 1
County Assessor: Dem. Monica J. McManigal, 2830; Write-in, 69
County Attorney: Rep. John Thomas, 2,911, Write-in, 72
County Clerk: Rep. Joann M. Fischer, 3,489; Write-in, 14
Clerk of the District Court: Dem. Matt R. Fischer, 2,825; Write-in, 39
County Sheriff: Rep. Don Henery, 3,041; Write-in, 96
County Surveyor:Rep. Michael Skroch, 3,070; Write-in, 18
County Treasurer: Rep. Lori G. Ebel, 3,423; Write-in, 14
County Supervisor Dist. 1: Rep. Marty O’Connor, 489; Write-in, 14
County Supervisor Dist. 3: Rep. David Pierce, 501; Write-in, 11
County Supervisor District 5: Rep. Kevin D. Mackeprang, 514; Write-in, 5
County Supervisor District 7: Rep. Jim Borgmann, 509; Write-in, O
Legislature-District 40: Barry DeKay, 2,550; Keith Fl. Kube, 1,085; Write-in, 13
State Board of Education District 6: Sherry Jones, 1,952; Danielle Helzer, 816
Niobrara Township Board: Rick Metzler, 134; James J. Tikalsky, 135; Robert L. Olson, 142; Write-in, 5; Write-in, 1
Raymond Township Board: Frank Hanzlik, 58; Neil K. Peed, 68; Write-in, 9.
Sparta Township Board: Frank L. Skokan, 37; Robert D. Larsen, 29; Evan C. Larsen, 29.
Proposed Amendment No. 1:
For: 2,372; Against: 861
Initiative Measure 432: For: 2,788; Against, 816
Initiative Measure 433: For, 1,704; Against: 1911
The complete election results are listed on the Knox County website at